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Date and Time
Thursday 8th Dec, 8-11pm

Ritual Heaps / Узб96 / Bloodfucker

$10 presales

Noisey globs of chonky fuzz to soothe your ears and make them bleed! On the menu is a hefty serving of Ritual Heaps, with a spoonful of Узб96 and a big glass of Bloodfucker to wash it all down. 

Ritual Heaps is psychic defence music. Durational synth fortifications from Whanganui/Te Awakairangi 

Узб96 are soviet fuelled insensitive aural barbarity. Radioactive tape and tone generators covering all the frequencies from Alpha to Beta to Gamma. A soundtrack to the coming nuclear apocalypse. Слава Україні!

Bloodfucker is no wave inspired guitar based ritual noise. Currently made up of Baxter gray, Sophia Frudd, and Harry trainor

Presale tickets available through Under the Radar

Live streamed here.

Special thanks to Creative NZ for supporting Pyramid Club's programme

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Upcoming Events
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A night with Ducklingmonster in celebration of her first solo LP 'I Know … a…way', accompanied by old friends (Beach Balls) and new friends (Cook ie Cutt er)
The August instalment of our monthly music meetup for women and gender minorities features special guest artist, Ducklingmonster
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Join us for the opening of Kieran Monaghan's exhibition 'No Evidence of the Future'
Local artist and animation enthusiast Miles Davitt brings another night of experimental and independent animated shorts to Pyramid Club.
vegetable,machine.animal explores the intersections between spontaneous playing, electronic music, and science-informed inter-species collaboration, With support from Field Enhancement and Bone Chapel.