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Date and Time
Saturday, 8th Sept, 4:30–6PM

Offsite Project #1: Nathan Taare - Tāwhirimātea

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EDIT: A recording of the sculpture and more insight into Nathan's ideas can be found here.

Nathan Taare's Tāwhirimātea sound sculpture has been swinging from the trees in Owen Street Park, at the zoo end of Owen Street, Newtown for the past few week.

On 4:30pm Saturday 8th August Nathan will perform with others at the sculpture, an improvised dance and sound performance to welcome in the night.

Inspired by the eyes of Tāwhirimātea (Māori god of winds/weather/lightning/rain) that were thrown into the sky, the installation is a celebration of Matariki. View them at the tree and look up at the chime, hear the elements, look up at the stars and look over into Newtown. An appreciation for wind and the elements that Wellington is so well known for. An acceptance and embrace of the weather we have. A clean fresh hit of fresh wellington air. The wind caught up in tentacles of bamboo enhances the experience in an aural way.

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