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Date and Time
Wednesday 14th September, 7-9pm

Inner Ear workshop series

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Inner Ear, a series of group workshops exploring Collective Improvisation and Deep Listening practices.

Led by double bassist Isaac Smith the workshops will draw upon investigations into physical movement, visual art practices, explorations into extended instrumental techniques, improvisation games, sonic and environmental inquiries and personal reflection.

Every Wednesday from the 31st August. Anyone is welcome to attend. Just show up or email smithisaacj@gmail.com for more details.

Thanks for Creative NZ for supporting Pyramid Club's programme

Feature Image
a collection of shells
Upcoming Events
The 28th instalment of listening event Works for Loudspeakers
A night with Ducklingmonster in celebration of her first solo LP 'I Know … a…way', accompanied by old friends (Beach Balls) and new friends (Cook ie Cutt er)
The August instalment of our monthly music meetup for women and gender minorities features special guest artist, Ducklingmonster
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Join us for the opening of Kieran Monaghan's exhibition 'No Evidence of the Future'
Local artist and animation enthusiast Miles Davitt brings another night of experimental and independent animated shorts to Pyramid Club.
vegetable,machine.animal explores the intersections between spontaneous playing, electronic music, and science-informed inter-species collaboration, With support from Field Enhancement and Bone Chapel.