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HalfSisteR / Deaf Edge / 0273548428

$17.50 Presales

HalfSisteR (Tāmaki Makaurau) is an experimental pop band known for its unique blend of sounds and eclectic musical backgrounds. HalfSisteR are: Gary Sullivan - Drums (Jean-Paul Sartre Experience,Solid Gold Hell, Dimmer). Hermione Johnston - Synthesiser, Piano Keyboards Vocals (Drorgan). Greta Anderson - (The Blue Marbles, Superette). Together, HalfSisteR crafts a sound that defies conventional pop, experimenting with structure, texture, and emotion to create something entirely their own.

Deaf Edge are a duo of Simon Cuming (electronics) and deaf artist MaryJane Thomson (vocals and keyboards). Experimental, ambient electronics.

0273548428 is the shared private hotline number of Liam Carroll & Christopher Thompson. At the beginning of 2024, both artists began exchanging abandoned Ableton projects for the other to exploit beyond recognition. This line of communication opened up new sonic pathways, generating new patterns with tired project files. Blending together individual music explorations with field recordings of the more-than-human world, the artists meet somewhere amongst scattered sounds and scratchy ideas.

$17.50 Presales via UTR

Special thanks to Creative New Zealand for supporting Pyramid Club's programme


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Join us for the opening of Edith Amituanai's exhibition AFTLOS
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In conjunction with Edith Amituanai's AFTLOS exhibition opening event, two siren crews are coming to Pyramid Club to do battle in sound.
An artist talk and discussion with Edith Amituanai about her exhibition 'AFTLOS'.
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A night with uncompromising Pōneke acts: The Troubled Times, Christian Wolves and Termite Lounge.
String quartet, Moth Quartet, bring two sets to Pyramid Club. One of daring and dynamic improvisations and another of expansive and transportive ambient-bliss.
Tāmaki Makaurau based electronic artist Kraus returns to Pyramid Club with support from Bone Chapel and DSLB