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Date and Time
Rāmere (Friday) 24th November, 8pm

Film Premiere: Wizard Mischief (dir. Baxter Gray) with Frogmeat

$10 Presales

Pyramid Club is happy to host the premiere of the short film Wizard Mischief directed by Baxter Gray.

Baxter Gray is a fairly fresh face to Pyramid Club audiences but has quickly become a regular. Baxter's previous short experimental film 'Solar' premiered at Pyramid Club in 2020. His latest offering, 'Wizard Mischief', is a grotesque, absurdist, neo-gothic 5-7 minute live action short film about wizards, imps, and fairies. Primarily a film maker Baxter also makes music radiating from the realm of noise, attacking his bass and releasing his voice with passionate freedom. A keen producer he has put together line ups at many venues, and is part of a growing community of compelling neonoiseniks.

The premiere will also feature the fantastic and freaky Frogmeat duo of Sophia Frudd and Mallory Elmo. Frogmeat are a flexible noise ensemble based in Te Whanganui-a-Tara. Built from the collaboration between Sophia Frudd, an experimental multi-media artist and filmmaker under the pseudonym Cook ie Cutt er..., and Mallory Elmo, a classical/noise composer and improviser. Frogmeat sonically paint pictures in crevices that can be foreseen but not captured.

Presale tickets $10 from Under The Radar

Many thanks to Creative NZ for supporting Pyramid Club's programme.

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